Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Honors Discussion Question

To answer this question, either email me your paragraph response at or simply respond on the blog (if you do that be sure to sign your name after your response). Your response is needed before Friday, October 2nd. Here it is:

Which of the following statements do you most agree with and why:
A.)It is the role of government to ensure the health and welfare of all citizens.
B.) It is the role of citizens, private organizations, and charities to ensure the health and welfare of all citizens.


  1. I agree with both statements, because I think that this responsibility falls on everyone to make sure that their neighbors can afford healthcare and basic necessities. For example, in many European countries, they have a General Public Health system run by the government that provides equal-opportunity healthcare to all citizens, regardless of income or economic status. This is a good thing for those who need the help to provide for themselves and their families, but it also means that more affluent members of society must settle for mediocre healthcare. In America, we have some of the best healthcare systems in the world, but it can only be accessed by those who can afford it. Those who cannot are still able to receive help through private charities and organizations, but many would say it is subpar to that of the wealthier demographic. So which method is right? It probably depends on who you ask. In my opinion, I think that both government and private organizations should provide aid to American citizens and present them with opportunities to get what they need. As a famous saying goes, "You can give a man a fish, and he will eat for a day: you can teach him how to fish and he will eat for a lifetime". This means that by giving someone money, they can pay for food or healthcare or whatever. That's a good thing, but my belief is that these government and private charities shouldn't just provide handouts, but they should teach the people how to get a job and earn money for themselves, as per the second part of the saying. In conclusion, it is the role of both government- and private-based groups to provide relief to citizens and allow them to "eat for a lifetime".

    -Karoline Ford

  2. I believe that the government should provide the resources for a citizens health and welfare, but the community and citizens should decide whether or not to utilize those resources. If the government were to force upon the citizens to get vaccines and inoculations most people would dislike the government and refuse to use the resources the government has provided. If the government provides the resources and has them as optional, then more people will utilize those resources.

    Joseph Barkley

  3. I think that it is the role of both the people and the government to ensure the health and welfare of the citizens. The government should establish rules and regulations to help out the citizens, and the citizens should tell the government what they want to change. The government should not give out handouts like they do today, but instead let the people have responsibility over their income. The government should make jobs safe, but people should be accountable for themselves. The government is using tax money earned by hardworking Americans and giving it to people who don't want to work.

    Jonah Schreiner

  4. I think that both are right since the people that are rich because of their business get money from buying other businesses which are small and can't compete so how can the poor get money without the government keeping it fair. Also the citizens should also be accountable if they don't have jobs and are only relying on the charities giving them money they shouldn't complain on not having enough food if they don't put forth the effort but the charities and private organizations should be able to give healthy food to the poor if they need it and can't afford. Ty Troelstrup

  5. I believe that both the government and people should all contribute to make the United States a better country. The people, mainly the wealthy because the poor doesn't have all the money to create things. So the wealthy should all create groups for either raising money to get food for people or make it to where they have the right medicine. On the other hand I think the government needs to make sure all the organization's are approved by them and helps out with maybe so money. The government has to give the poor jobs to make them earn money and not always looking forward to organizations. If the poor gets jobs and money they can start to make food or buy food like the wealthy can. Mikayla Duke

  6. I believe that it could be both. The point of having a government is to have a group of people to speak for "the people", and protect "the people". If we had a terrorist attack, the government would be in control of keeping us, "the people" safe. So yeah, of course I believe the government should care for our health and welfare. But, I also believe that, because we chose to make America free, because we were born with rights such as liberty and freedom, that we "the people" are responsible for our decisions and the effects of those decisions. We get to choose what we do, in fact we fought for that right, so if we choose to do the wrong thing, to do something that could in any way hurt us, then that is our responsibility to take care of that, not the governments. If I chose when I was 16 to drop out of highschool, and now I'm poor and can't get a job, then that's my problem, not the governments, because it was my choice. The purpose of the government is to protect us, "the people" from others or each other, but we are responsible for protecting us from ourselves and the decisions we made.
    Dylan Hicks

  7. I agree with both of the statements; that Government and Citizens both, should ensure the welfare and health of all Citizens. First of all, our Government is a democracy, and we elect officials into power, who we feel will represent us, the people, to the best of their ability. I'd like to think that if they were elected, they would have our best interest in mind, and they would choose what was best for us. However, I don't feel that the Government should have 100% power over the people, and it is also up to us to determine our future and well-being. Zach Jackson

  8. I agree with Statement B, that it is the role of the government to ensure the health and welfare of all citizens. I agree with that statement because the government ensures healthcare for all citizens and provides insurance for citizens. Charities, organizations, and other citizens can't really provide those things. Plus, charities and organizations are made to just really help those in need. They don't exactly help ALL citizens. The government also provides Social Security and welfare for those in need and charities, organizations, and citizens also can't really provide those things either.
    - Jaidan Hanshaw

  9. I believe it is the role of citizens, private organizations, and charities to ensure the health and welfare of all citizens. I believe this because citizens should not depend on the government to take care of them and it is not the governments job to take care of the citizens. Then the citizens become too dependent on the government to take care of their needs. Also if it is up to the government, then the government forces citizens to have a certain kind of health care. The citizen could not afford that kind, or could not want that kind. It should be up to charities and other organization to help citizens in need, and to get them back on their feet so then they can take care of themselves. This will also build strong communities
    - Anna Gregerson

  10. I believe it is both. The government should be there to ensure our safety in times of war and in times when we are unable to defend ourselves. They should also regulate our healthcare and those types of government laws. But we as a people should know how to defend ourselves if the time arises.. We should decided how our health is taken care of, but the government should intervene when the person is unable to mentally choose what is best for them. while in the same aspect the citizen should have to make a every 5 year check up for health, disease, and ability to make choices and comprehend them.
    -Paige Spurlock

  11. I agree with both statements. I believe that the government should be responsible for passing laws to ensure the welfare and health of citizens. But the private organizations and charities should be responsible for providing the resources for the citizens.
    The government should not control every aspect of health care and wellbeing of citizens, but should have a handle on things and be prepared if things were to get out of hand.
    For example, the government could pass a law that states that every full time worker should receive a wage ubove the poverty level. Then businesses and organizations an charities enforce that law by offering wages about the poverty line. Charities can offer programs to improve the life of those who are poverty stricken. (Free daycare for parents who work, college preparedness, job training, skills building)

  12. i agree with B because i feel the government should not have to support us and help us. if were old enough to live on our own we can have healthcare.

    If you dont want to work thats not the government fault i dont think we should have the government supporting us every second of the day.
    -Matt perl

  13. I agree with both statements because it's the governments job to make sure they are doing what they can to help their citizens that need and deserve help, but it is also the role of the citizens to help themselves and each other to make sure we are being the best we can be.
    Victoria Matter

  14. I believe its mostly the role of the citizens, private organizations, and charities to ensure the health and welfare of all citizens. I believe this because if we go back hundreds of years ago and look at the constitution and bill of rights the role of the government was always to help us in ways we cant help ourselves. for example can we the people create nuclear bombs and protect our country.... probably not. The government is the only way to get enough people and money to do those things. But can we open up a soup kitchen and help our neighbors with money and clothes if needed? Yes, we are fully capable of doing such things. so why is the government doing it? now that we are becoming more and more dependent on the government people who work hard for their money are loosing it to people who don't which I believe very unfair.
    Talia Harrison
    per. 3

  15. I think that both are right because if the government doesn't give you the right to have a good safe life, then you wouldn't have your law enforcement and there would be no way to control the prices of insurance so some people would have to rely on charity. Without private organizations and charities a lot of people wouldn't be able to afford clothes, food, and other basic necessities. And finally it is our job as US citizens and as decent human beings to at least try to help others and ourselves when we can. If you can afford health insurance, then get it; and if you can afford a doctor or a therapist when you need one, then you most certainly should get one. We don't need the government to babysit us and make sure we do the things we should, we just need the option of getting financial help if we need it, which is what the government, charities, and some organizations can help us with
    Madi Stock.

  16. I agree with both because we as a country need to work together to help each citizen. Although, there are many people that live in the U.S. that don't get that recognition from the government so people in a state or community need to work together to solve that problem together. That's why people create charities and fundraisers because its to help provide for their communities. And there are big charities as well that are nation wide so that helps the government. So both statements would benefit each other if they worked together.

  17. I think that both the government and the citizens should both have a part in ensuring the saftey and healthcare of the citizens. I think this because the government should help with giving everyone healthcare because everyone deserves to be cared for if they are injured or sick. But at the same time i think that the government should not control too much, but just enough to be extremely productive but not extremely controlling. So in that way the citizens should be responsible for helping ensure the health and safey of the people too because the government cannot help everyone in everything they do and everytime they get injured. So in my opinion both the citizens and the government should both contribute in ensuring the healthcare and saftey of citizens - Nate Denne

  18. I think both because without one I don't think it would work. without small businesses and citizens it would take the government a long time to get back to citizens and they wouldn't know as much since they have a lot of people and situations to handle. Also without the government there would be no clear structure and nobody to help if they needed a higher say or opinion. -maddie lafurney

  19. I think both should be used in ensuring the safety of our citizens. without both then it would either be just a bunch of some people who only know money running the country. or it would be a country run by people with hundreds of different ideas of the perfect country, with perfect safety for its citizens.
    ~Ioan Cook

  20. I agree with both sides because citizens should be able to help with healthcare by foundraisers and donations. Therefore the government should provide the security ect. With police stations, security, ect. And the government shouldn't be I charge of everything it's should be -Cassy Mchenry

  21. I agree with both sides because there are things that the people can't do to make our life's better that the government can. The people are responsible for certain things and so is the government. The government should be in control on taking care of people that are in need but to not a point of controlling people. The people should be able to live free and the way they want. The people also need to be responsible for taking care of themselves and there family when the government can't. -Chase Norblade

  22. I believe that both government and citizens, businesses, groups, etc. should take care of the people because there are certain necessities or services in our lives that only the government can provide, so the government needs to do such things in order to keep the well-being of the citizens in check. However, there are many, many necessities in our lives that we have to work to provide for ourselves and other people as well, so the citizens, businesses, and groups in society also have to contribute in order to benefit themselves and others.
    -Cole Palensky

  23. I agree with both statements. The government should have the desire to know how its citizens are doing but also take care of them. For example if a disabled person can not work, in todays society the government temporarily provides by giving them money and medical coverage. But that is why we work, to have the ability to provide for ourselves and not have someone do it for us. It is also the role of the citizens to keep the health and welfare in order. Part of working is being able to obtain the benefits such as Health insurance provided by the employer, in order to take care of you and your family.

    ~Colby Chohrach
