Monday, August 28, 2017

August 28th-September 1st (Quarter 1 Week 3)

Monday: Review Quizzes and a little from 9.1. Discuss the Causes of the Spanish-American War and Review WKST. Read 259-262 and write letter home from the war. Causes of the War
Tuesday: Share your letters home. Discuss the "Splendid Little War." Focus on Rough Riders and Platt Amendment (pg. 269) Spanish-American War
Wednesday: Read 9.3 (263-267) and choose between notes and a WKST. US and East Asia
Thursday: Discuss 9.3. Focus on Open Door Policy and Gentlemen's Agreement. US and East Asia
Friday: Read 269-273 on Big Stick, Dollar, and Moral Diplomacy. US and Latin America

Note: We will review 9.4 and the rest of Chapter 9 on Tuesday and Wednesday of next week. Our first test will most likely be on Thursday.

Monday, August 21, 2017

August 21st-25th (Quarter 1 Week 2)

Monday: Introduce Imperialism and read 250-252. Students choose to complete notes or WKST over the information in the reading. Age of American Imperialism Day 1
Tuesday: Discuss 1st half of Section 9.1. Finish reading the 2nd half of 9.1 and complete notes or WKST over the information in the reading. Age of American Imperialism Day 2
Wednesday: Practice States (and Capitals for honors classes). Review 4 reasons for Imperialism. Introduce Spanish-American War and complete 1st half of section 9.2. Causes of the Spanish-American War
Thursday: Discuss 1st half of Spanish-American War. Short video reviewing the war and complete 2nd half of section 9.2. Spanish-American War
Friday: States (and Capitals for honors classes)Quiz

Monday, August 14, 2017

August 15-18 (Quarter 1 Week 1)

Welcome to Papio South Class of 2021!

Tuesday: Meet and Greet!
Wednesday: Icebreakers (Interview and 1,2,3), Seating Arrangement, Syllabus and Classroom Expectations. Syllabus and Age of Imperialism Into
Thursday: Partner Interviews
Friday: Assign textbooks, discuss online book, cover books and fill out book condition form, Book Intro Activity