Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Online Textbook Instructions

You are now able to access the textbook from home online. Thanks for being patient with our book situation! If you follow the steps below, you should all be able to access the online textbook from the comfort of home. Keep in mind, the website (which you will be using) may only work for some internet search engines so be sure to try more than one if you are having trouble.

1. Go to (it is also a link on the left side of my website)
2. Click Login and type the following:
Username: ushistoryonline
Password: gotitans1
3. Click Enter
4. Go to eText at the top right side of the page.
5. From there you can navigate to the correct chapter, section, and even page!

If you have trouble, email me at

Monday, August 25, 2014

Week 3 Schedule (August 25th-29th)

Monday: Review 9.1 information on Imperialism. Begin 9.2 by reading 256-258 on Causes of Spanish-American War through completing 9.2 WKST. Spanish-American War
Tuesday: Read 2nd half of 9.2 259-262 on Spanish-American War. Complete short summary of War. Spanish-American War Causes
Wednesday: Spanish-American War Notes (with study guide). Hand out South/Central America Map Spanish-American War
Thursday: Read 9.3 (Complete 9.3 Questions)US and East Asia
Friday: 9.3 Notes and review activity.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Week 2 Schedule (August 18th-22nd)

Monday: Introduce Imperialism. Read 250-252 and answer questions from the reading. Roots of Imperialism
Tuesday: Read 252-255 and complete 9.1 WKST (due Wednesday)Roots of Imperialism Day 2
Wednesday: Finish 9.1 WKST and review causes of Imperialism
Thursday: Read 256-258 on Causes of the Sp.-Am. War Causes of the War
Friday: States (and capitals for Honors US) Quiz

Friday, August 8, 2014

Week 1 Schedule (August 11th-15th)

Welcome to Papio South Freshmen! This site is designed to keep you informed of what is going on in US History. Each week the schedule will be posted at the beginning of the week so you know what is to come.

Monday: No School
Tuesday: Welcome 9th graders! 1st Day Greeting!
Wednesday: Go over the syllabus and classroom expectations. Seating arrangements.
Thursday: Quick text book activity.
Friday: 1st semester (ungraded) Pretest. Bring a pencil.